Spectacular lightning display
My favourite was in Mexico, purple lightning was awesome...

It's thundering here now, little rain and no noticeable lightning, the reverse of yesterday.
Florida has some corkers too - actually quite scary!
Still clammy though. Pissed down for 15 minutes and the path is dry already.
I go storm chasing in Tornado alley, and the lightening we've seen this week is on a par with that. (Spent a night in Lubbock, Texas and we had 3 thousand strikes in one night!!)The pre- storm cloud formations and the associated colours in the states however are just biblical, apocalyptic and mind boggling.
Hell of a storm last night.

I've always found 1am to be the best time to find out your fucking kitchen roof leaks.
Flown through a few, not nice. Including one 747 from Minneapolis to LHR that really should not have been cleared. They grounded all but the critical long-haul (those where the knock-on reroute would be well into 6 figures). I'm sure we were hit a few times (planes can take it).

Storms in WA (Oz) where the cyclones take some beating. I was awoken by one on Koh Samui once I won't forget. Never seen lightning like in Polynesia, where it seems to hit from twice as high, so much brighter too.

Houston and the Lousiana panhandle top them all though. Storms can last for days or even weeks, yet it can be sunny and calm not five miles down the road. And it's not hard to appreciate why New Orleans still bears the scars of Katrina when we are constantly reminded of what mother nature can do when she flexes her muscles in that part of the world.
Was due to land at Birmingham at 19:40 last night but the storm meant a 20 minute wait in the sky.

Watching the storm move west, like a huge block of electrified rainfall was extraordinary.

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