The Pledge
Will you be taking it?

The phrase “fuck right off” springs immediately to mind.
Arf. What a farce
Someone could have been killed
I’ve mellowed towards the royals but to put people on a pedestal purely for being born into astonishing wealth and privilege is stupid on a scale that is hard to comprehend.
Anyone who does this is extremely pathetic.
What's wrong about this whole ceremony is that it's all about religion. The 30%+ of people who put "no religion" on census forms and the like these days just have to suck it up. And best of all, the "multi-faith" greeting will only be heard by people within earshot, because it's the Sabbath and electricity can't be involved. Don't want to get all anti-Semitic here but fuck's sake guys, this is for 67m British people, not just Jewish people!!! If ever there was a good time to make an exception, this might be it.
(04-30-2023, 10:35 AM)Spandaubaggie Wrote: I’ve mellowed towards the royals but to put people on a pedestal purely for being born into astonishing wealth and privilege is stupid on a scale that is hard to comprehend.
Anyone who does this is extremely pathetic.

You mean like religion has done for eons? People have always 'needed' leader figures. And those 'leafers' have pretty much always made a mint from it. People at the core are sheep and have a herd mentality. Be that being a royalist, a religious one or someone who idolises a singer or footballer... Same thing, different aspect really. Before you say those people have a talent, going way back the tribal rulers would have been talented too. Also the talent argument shouldn't then extend to the offspring, like George Best's son...

I won't be pledging, then again I probably won't be looking into it that much to get worked up about either...
I would rather wear a half and half Dingle and Villa shirt than have anything to do with archaic, feudalistic nonsense. In 2023 people are still prepared to do this, is embarrassing and the fact that the ‘Monarchy’ should have put this into next weeks charade is both insulting and illuminating about how they really think about themselves and their ‘subjects’.
Having actually read the article:

"This "homage of the people" replaces the traditional "homage of peers" where hereditary peers swear allegiance to the new monarch. Instead everyone in the Abbey and watching at home will be invited to pay homage in what Lambeth Palace described as a "chorus of millions"."

So, I can see the idea behind it, even though the only monarchy I support was lead by Freddie Mercury.

Cheshire - the King is the Head of the Church of England?! Of course there's going to be religion involved.
He can bite my shiny metal ass.
In the form of his life.
I'm already fed up of it all. Might go and get some work out of the way and take a day off when it's all over.
Fuck no.

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