The Valerian Chronicles Part 2
Oh go on then..........are you sitting comfortably?

WBA training ground, Great Barr.

The squad are on the field, standing in a circle. A waft of smoke rising up from the middle.

VI: "SQUAAAD! ATTENNNSHUN! What is this?!!!"
JL: "Just having a ceremonial burning of Snodders' back support Boss."
VI: "We do not mourn the departed!!! Positions, NOW!!!"
(Squad shuffles off)
VI: "Alex, get a fire extinguisher."
AM: "Yes Boss." (sprints off)
VI: "Right you bunch of pansies, today we're going t....
(Prssssssssshhhhh pop pop "Aaaaaargghhhhh")
AM: "Sorry Boss. Extinguisher was a bit fierce. I landed in the car park on a pile of Johnstones old training gear"
VI: "Good. Did you see him anywhere?"
AM: "No Boss. Just an empty box of air gun pellets by his car."
VI: "Eh? Oh whatever. Right! Line up. New formation men! We are trying a 343. Into positions!"
TGH: "But Boss, we always go 343!"
VI: "QUIET! How dare you! Go and clean the showers now Hickman! Use Robinsons toothbrush!"
(TGH shuffles off)
VI: "Okay. Line up. 5 balls in play. Maximum intensity! Alex go get the Cadets out the canteen to act as defenders".
AM: "Yes Boss."
(AM sprints off, returns with the Cadets, a yawning Cleary shuffling behind)
VI: "CLEARY! What is the meaning of this? Get in the showers and help Hickman!!"
(Cleary shuffles off)
VI: Right then. Line up. 5 balls, attack with maximum intensity."
(shuffling in the bushes)
VI: "On my whistle......"
(pop, pop, pop, whooosh, bang, bang, pfffffffttttt)
VI: "INCOMING!!!!! DOWN!!!!!"
(pop, pop, pfffftttt, pfffttttt)
AM: "All the balls are deflating Boss!! What do we do?"
(shuffling and sniggering in the bushes)

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