Ninja Woodfire Electric BBQs

Made my own using paprika, freshly ground black peppercorns, garlic powder, cumin with a small amount of bbq sauce to bind it and smoked for 90 mins. Now baking in a 1/4 litre of beef stock and bbq sauce mix and a generous amount of butter chunks and brown sugar covered in foil. Will baste after an hour and cook on grill on high for 10 mins with foil off just before serving.
In the form of his life.
Sounds decent (plus Arf at Fido)
Would rather talk to ChatGPT
Definitely doesn’t need those extra 10 mins, bark was more than sufficient. Juicy, crispy, Smokey, meaty. Everything I wanted.
In the form of his life.
Jerk Gammon didn't he used to manage the seals?
Took my disappointment at the result out on some dough. Pizza night tonight.
In the form of his life.

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