Football fans.
I was going to say ours but seeing Palace fans on social media too I'll just say football fans.

Last night most people didn't understand the basics of the offside rule, now completely qualified to say whether a manager will succeed or fail. People moaning about Pulis and then Sam's football wanting the Barnsley manager....

Honestly most fans are actually clueless, so frustrating. Really should stop looking past this place for fan opinions, on here is as rational as it gets.
You expect to get rationale onions from this dump? I should coco!
I'm with you 100% on this Birdie. People just say stupid off the cuff stuff which shows a lack of depth in the thought process. These are the same who are full of other stupid generalisations about all matter of subjects.

Most fans are one-eyed and somehow think their club has some divine right not thinking that we compete with clubs of similar capabilities.

There's been some daft stuff written on here, but it's lightyears above the other stuff in cyberspace.

FWIW I'm sorry Allardyce has gone, but I'm confident we will get someone of a high pedigree in to replace him. Also, I'm honest enough to admit I didn't want Allardyce initially.

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