Increasingly concerned about schools' ability to get back to 'normal' for the start of the new academic year.

The guidelines the Govt are currently insisting on are making it very difficult for a lot of schools to open for those year groups that are supposed to be back in school.

For example my local primary school have pretty much given up on the idea of years 1 & 6 returning to school this academic year under the current guidelines. In part this is due to an increase in the number of children of key workers now attending school . There is a very obvious question that raises in my mind, but one I am prepared to park for the moment.

If the Govt insist on maintaining the current guidelines into the new academic year, then there will have to be a system of part time schooling for everyone, except probably those children whose parents are key workers.

I'm not certain how many parents have taken this on board yet. 

The alternative is a return to the way schools were pre coronavirus, a big decision for the Govt to take, bearing in mind we will be moving into autumn/winter when it might be expected that the virus might make a return.
P-Major is back in Year 6 for 2 days a week. It's pathetic.

That the pubs will be serving before the schools are open tells you everyhting you need to know about this useless government and our ability to make informed choices.
Most of the kids around here are regulars in the pub get the lessons in there .
It's an opportunity to even things up for disadvantaged children! High earning working class and middle class parents can keep all their children at home for the next 6 months (pre-vaccine). Disadvantaged children can attend with half the numbers in class, enabling them to have better support and get the attention they need. The others can stay home and learn via zoom etc. Be interesting to see if it makes a significant difference to their attainment.
(06-09-2020, 02:41 PM)FenlandBoing Wrote: It's an opportunity to even things up for disadvantaged children! High earning working class and middle class parents can keep all their children at home for the next 6 months (pre-vaccine). Disadvantaged children can attend with half the numbers in class, enabling them to have better support and get the attention they need. The others can stay home and learn via zoom etc. Be interesting to see if it makes a significant difference to their attainment.

Like the ‘disadvantaged’ ones will turn up knowing the posh kids are at home doing Tik-tok videos , nice idea, I don’t know where you live but round here it’s the better off kids who are back at school (if allowed) and the so-called disadvantaged ones are roaming around with their man bags and North Face caps roaring round on off-road Motor Bikes
It takes a lot to wind Mrs P up, but she's livid that she can take P-Minor to Merry Hill, a garden centre, a BLM march and quite possibly soon out for a pub lunch when she still can't go to school. It's a fucking joke. All kids should be back now.
Government guidelines are that classes have to be half size and there can be no rotas to get children in part time. Forget the obvious issues that causes like needing twice as much space and teachers - I have no idea why you folk in the Tory party aren't jumping up and down to get Boris out, he's clearly floundering and you need a proper leader than can think of more than one thing a day, and who can deal with detailed issues that can't be solved with 3 word slogans.
Well hold on to your lunch packs, because the word is that September is not looking good, and possibly not October either.
(06-10-2020, 08:52 AM)Pickle Rick Wrote: Aren't there similar rules in France/Germany etc where schools have opened?  Voluntary basis there I think. Also in other EU countries, social distancing required. Not sure why it should be more difficult to open here but need agreement with teachers and unions and backing from parents to work I imagine.

In France I think they closed 70 schools again where there were Covid cases (not sure if kids or staff) but the general result in EU seems to be no increase in Covid rate caused by schools opening. WHO were suggesting briefly (may have backtracked?) that asymptomatic people unlikely to spread it and as kids are low risk this would be another positive piece of news if true.

Apparently we are in a similar position to France and Spain, however I heard that off the mop haired manchild at his press conference tonight so it could be complete bullshit.
(06-10-2020, 07:23 PM)Arti Wrote: Well hold on to your lunch packs, because the word is that September is not looking good, and possibly not October either.

This is going to have a devastating impact on many, many children generally those from poorer backgrounds.

Children have the right to an education and a right to play. Schools and the government need to get their acts together.

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